速報APP / 娛樂 / Christmas Songs and Carols

Christmas Songs and Carols





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Christmas Songs and Carols(圖1)-速報App

This selection of the best songs, carols and melodies of the most beautiful time.

Because the important thing about Christmas is not the gifts (we learned it from the grinch).

The important thing in Christmas is to celebrate the birth of the saving messiah. Remember that he came to fulfill God's promise of salvation, and celebrate EMANUEl (God with us).

But the most famous songs of celebration bring us fictional characters such as Santa Claus or the snowman or rodolfo the reindeer or the child of the drum, or the Christmas tree.

Christmas Songs and Carols(圖2)-速報App

The party most awaited by children throughout the year fills us with sweet joys, sweets, toys, gifts and many demonstrations of affection.

That's why we want to celebrate this Christmas together with this recollection, each song has its respective link to youtube.

Also as super extra you will get the lyrics of these 25 popular and famous songs for the Christmas season.

This great app waits for you and wants to give you moments of joy and happiness.

Christmas Songs and Carols(圖3)-速報App

Be very happy and that Christmas is born in your heart.

Christmas Songs and Carols(圖4)-速報App